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Written Word

It's gotten to the point where I can no longer tell The difference between my home, And a coffin, waiting on the church bell, To sound my death, so on my body the mites may roam.

It's like everyone's nightmare, Where the walls are closing in, And you're screaming but no one cares, Until you're left, squeezed of life and broken.

It just feels like I am stuck in here, and I can't seem to move on, And my head keeps on repeating and repeating all of the same songs, Which is slowly rotting my mind and my body in consequence, I'm losing my shape, my joy, my strength, my thoughts, and my eloquence.

What, then, do you do when there's absolutely no hope? You walk, one foot in front of the other, like on a tightrope.

And you go at it slowly, for if you miss your footing you will fall, And end up in a hole, that's getting so deep, it's impossible to crawl, Out of the darkness back into the blissful comfort of light.

But remember! - it takes darkness for stars to shine at night.

So here we still are, somehow, on the tightrope of our existence,

And despite torrential rain and harsh winds we keep our balance.

Our arms outstretched at each of our sides, Our body becomes home for joyous prey to hide, From depressing clouds that circle us like vultures, So we stand still and wait, like motionless sculptures.

And the skies clear anew, and our challenging walk begins once more, Our journey from life to death, ballots in tandem with anchored ships at shore. There is an energy in the people that surround us in times of crisis, So we must learn to help each other, to feed off our strengths in symbiosis.

No matter how hard it gets, we must keep holding on - the kite of life still has to be flown. If it ends up crashing, then it truly is the end, and we will fall to depths we've never known.

So, you're on the tightrope, death quite far, your journey still fresh, but away slips your kite... The rope loosening, you're left a choice: do you jump to catch it, or fall victim to gravity's might?


Artist: Stephanie Chapman

Who Am I?

Artist: Lil Oreo

Who Am I


Ive looked everywhere for an answer to the burning question within me

a question of identity


As a kid I would ask my parents who am i

but they would only answer" you're our son and well love you till the day we die

Now i was one to never really chill with the lads

cuz i wasnt one to wrestle just to see the size of balls I had


Nah see i was one to always surround myself with beauty

so my first friends in Canada with all cuties

Rachael,  Kelsey, Emily and Gwenny were there names

and they always tried to make sure i would never change that i would stay the same

    see they never really saw a real black boy before

so i became the token black kid as soon as i entered the school doors

and at the start everything was all good, no judgement,  just having fun

and there i  was a happy  African boy beating on his African drums


Discrimination was never a word in my vocabulary

until i was taught white people were angels and blacks well...scary

so  in a  town of angels there was I a black guy

with a burning question always in my mind

who am i

As i said before i never really chilled with the other boys, well only a few

only the ones that thought i was cool too

but then the others one day started calling me different n shit

at first i didnt listen cuz i really didnt give a shit

until these questions kept popping in my head

and there i was asking who am i as a laid in my bed


k cool i am different why should i care

i mean all these  white girls they be loving my hair

but damn all these white boys they still be teasing and calling me soft

but i just kept on smiling and brushing them off


eventually i snapped and let my ego get the best of me

started  listening to a inner voice that said be more like the black guys you see on tv

so the next day i dressed in all baggy clothes to tryna seek all approval

but only ended up coming home a feelin like fool


see some kid told me to give our teacher the finger and idid when she wasnt looking

but a teacher walking by saw and shouted my name  i told her i was only joking

3 day suspension at the age of 10

mom, dad, im sorry i promise it wont happen again

flip forward a couple years and there i am still seeking my peers approval

still tryna stick out but still coming out feeling like a  fool

cuz from my ego i still havnt pulled the plug

so  there i was at age 12 with the "cool ones" doing some drugs

now 2 years go  by and im stiil the same guy

depression has kicked in but im wearing a smile just to go by

and still asking

who am i


highschool years they  come and go

had to  hide  double life so the rents woulnt know

about the weed ive been smoking with that highschool crush

or the liqs id scoop on a rush

see i was the token black and i couldnt miss a party

sneaking out of my bedroom window and off  to take shots with some barbies


    didnt take long till i saw red in my mom n pop

and soon along came those cops

quarter bag under your bedroom rug

baggy jeans hoodie and all why you tryna be a thug


Dave dave dave why cant you just behave

im sorry officer im just a black guy

trying to figure out who am i


they say when your lonely theres no place like home

but you see when your an orphan boy you're bound to feel alone

do they even really care about me and how far do they have my back

cuz everyday i would wake up to a seeing a difference

they're white and im black


Dealt with  suicide but i healed real slow

had to change my ways quick cuz i  was coming home to locked doors

see  i was a rebellious teen doing rebellious things

lying and stealing ignoring the problem it brings

until  at sixteen  the parents just had enough

said either change your ways or pack your stuff



so i brought my grade from D's to  A's

friends started to change cuz i changed my ways

in the  final years  i really had repent

cuz hey i graduated being  my schools first black president

So Who Am I

guess i will never really know

but thats ok cuz it isnt about what you did

but about how you grow


I did it all to try and fit in

people will judge for my actions committed

but it gave my life a perspective that is so lively  and vivid


we all live lives so different than the others

so all i ask my sisters and brothers


when searching for an answer to your question of identity

just remember i was just a black guy questioning who am i

growing up  in the White family

"Not myself today"

Artist wishes to remain anonymous 

Read by: Erin Chapman

Artist: Maxime Le

I can't take it.

I can't take this hate that you perpetuate. 

The only words that come out of your mouth radiate negativity and it brings everyone down, including yourself.

I've been in the abyss myself but you'll never get out from under rock bottom until you make an effort to see the light.

You drain me of mine.

Being around you sucks all the life out of me and catapults me back into a state I swore I'd never return. 

You're stuck on me like glue and there's nothing I can do because we share the same blood and are supposed to have a bond.

I know why you like vampires so much because they are just like you, sucking all the energy and essence from everyone you meet. 

I need to escape you before you turn me into a leech and it drives me back into a place where I can accept and thrive on your narrative. 

Release me from your demons and let me be free. I can't do this anymore. I can't take it. 

"Poisoned Blood"

Artist wishes to remain anonymous 

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